(mo-lone lah-veh)

In 480 BC, Greece was threatened with enslavement and death by King Xerxes, ruler of the Persian Empire. Responding to this threat King Leonidas of Sparta took 300 of his best soldiers to Thermopylae on the north coast of Greece to meet Xerxes' and his army. Though Leonidas was outnumbered by the millions the 300 Spartans prepared for battle to defend their home's, their families, and especially their freedom. As Leonidas stood there at the ready a messenger of Xerxes came to the 300 with a message of futility in resisting since the Spartans were obviously outnumbered. Xerxes offered to spare the lives of Leonidas and his soldiers if they laid down their weapons and surrendered. Leonidas' response to Xerxes was "MOLON LABE!" or, "Come and take them!"

Today this motto resonates through gun right supports in response to the threat on the Second Amendment's right for the people to keep and bear arms.

In the day in age where guns are demonized and wrongly accused, freedom loving citizens who know the cost of freedom are standing up to the liberal assault on the constitution by shouting, "Molon Labe!""Try and take our rights!" This statement signify's the resolve of not striking first, but standing at the ready to fight and protect our rights as Americans and free men and women under the Constitution.


The Greek spelling is

Writing inscribed on the marble of the modern era monument at Thermopylae.




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